How to: Objection

There can be several reasons why one should file an appeal against an examination result:

  • Unjustified non-admission to an examination or refusal to grant a "participated" (particularly relevant in the course of the regularly non-existent compulsory attendance)
  • Non-uniform examination conditions
  • Grading that is not comprehensible
  • etc.

It is important that you do not simply have to accept everything. You can lodge an objection. The objection procedure is free of charge, but it is subject to certain conditions that are laid down in the Framework Examination Regulations (Rahmenprüfungsordnung, RaPO):

And how does it work?

According to § 8 (please read) you have to file an objection

  • in writing (e-mail is not sufficient!), i.e. printed out and signed by hand,
  • within one month (!) after notification of the examination result (or refusal of an examination/grade/"participated"),
  • to the responsible examination board (!), i.e. not to the examiners.

and ideally

  • substantiate it.

It is advantageous for you to state the reasons for the objection, because without the reasons, the decision would simply be based on the files, which in the vast majority of cases should result in the same examination decision. The reasons can also be submitted later, but this should be announced in the objection itself. In this way, you can meet the deadline by filing the objection, then, for example, inspecting the files or seeking advice and submitting the reasons later. But please do this as quickly as possible.

In this context, you have the right to inspect the examination file (§ 9; please read), and you can also talk to the examiners. But be careful: The RaPO (unconsciously) gives the impression that these supplementary actions have the effect of preserving or extending the time limit. This is definitely not the case! The one-month deadline and all other formalities mentioned above must be observed! Therefore, it is also advisable to file the objection as soon as possible.

Furthermore, it can potentially be used against you if you do not report an obvious examination deficiency in a timely manner. For example, if you have been given too little time, you should report this immediately to the examination supervisor. The same applies to tasks that you are sure should not have been included in the exam.

You can also contact us at any time by e-mail at if you need assistance.

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