Studierendenberatung BAföG & Soziales (StuBS)

  • The StuBS is a student counselling service financed by the student body. Catja is always available to answer your questions about studying.

Where and when?


please note: keine Beratung/no service 13.05. – 17.05.2024

  • Dienstag und Donnerstag 9 – 11 Uhr in room OSL 054 and via Webex
  • Dienstag 13-14 Uhr nur über webex
  • For the Webex consulting room simply here .
  • or just write your questions at any time to Ausführliche Antworten bekommt Ihr zu den Beratungszeiten
An overview of the consulting topics with initial information can be found below.
Bei allen Informationen, die sich konkret auf Gesetze oder Vorschriften beziehen wird die persönliche Anrede verwendet, die im Gesetz oder der Vorschrift vorgegeben ist.



Further information

  • The consultations are introductory information and do not replace legal advice. They are subject to confidentiality and can be conducted anonymously.

The student telephone counselling service is available daily from 8 p.m. to midnight. (040) 411 70 411. The service is aimed at ALL - regardless of denomination or ideology.


Our StuBS advises on the following topics:

Advice from application to funding beyond the maximum funding period.

  • Application
  • Receipt of benefits
  • Leistungsnachweis
  • Maximum funding period

The Social Counselling of the AStA always answers questions about BAföG Dienstag 9 – 11 Uhr und 13 – 14 Uhr (nur via webex) sowie Donnerstag 9 – 11 Uhr. The counselling service is independent of the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein.

Application for BAföG

Information on how to apply, which forms and which documents the BAföG Office requires, can be found clearly on the pages of the Studentenwerk SH.

Links for downloading forms and initial information on BAföG can be found below.

The application may also be submitted in full online .


The forms for the BAföG application can be obtained from the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein in the offices or online to print out yourself or on www.bafö

Wer den Antrag per Email stellen möchte nutzt bitte folgende Mail:

Anträge in Papierform können per Post an das Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein Amt für Ausbildungsförderung in Kiel gesandt oder persönlich abgegeben werden.

Postadresse für Anträge von Studierenden aus Kiel, Heide, Lübeck, Wedel, Elmshorn sowie Flensburg
Anträge für Auslandsaufenthalte in Norwegen, Dänemark und Island
Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein
Amt für Ausbildungsförderung
Faulstraße 17
24103 Kiel

Bei persönlicher Abgabe sollte der Empfang auf einer (selbst angefertigten) Quittung bestätigt werden!

1. BAföG application
All first-year students should still submit their funding application in the first month of lectures.
Denn erst ab dem Monat der Antragstellung wird bei einer Bewilligung
auch rückwirkend BAföG gezahlt. Informationen des Studentenwerk SH zum ersten BAföG Antrag.

Follow-up applications
In der Regel wird BAföG-Förderung jeweils für einen Zeitraum von 12 Monaten bewilligt (auf dem BAföG Bescheid steht der Bewilligungszeitraum (BWZ) im oberen Teil des Bescheids). Das BAföG-Amt braucht in der Regel mindestens 3 Monate für die Bearbeitung. Für eine kontinuierliche BAföG-Zahlung sollten Folgeanträge daher minestens 3 Monate vor Ablauf des aktuellen BWZ gestellt werden!

Der Leistungsnachweis nach BAföG § 48 ist dem BAföG-Amt nach dem 4. Fachsemester vorzulegen. Die Uni Flensburg hat hierfür responsible persons and modalities for this purpose.

Detaillierte Informationen zum BAföG bekommt Ihr in einer persönlichen Beratung und einführende Informationen als pdf Overview BAföG

In the Higher Education Law for Schleswig-Holstein it is determined that the spring semester 2020, autumn semester 2020/21, spring semester 2021 and autumn semester 2021/22 are not counted as subject semesters. For BAföG, this means that the funding period can be extended. If you have any questions, please contact the BAföG office or write an email to the StuBS.

All consultations are subject to confidentiality and can be conducted anonymously.
The consultations are introductory information and do not replace legal advice from a lawyer.

Open office hours for personal counselling Counselling service StuBS

No way in sight? Bring light into the darkness in a personal consultation.

Durch die vielfältigen alltäglichen Anforderungen können Menschen leicht mal ins Straucheln kommen und den Halt verlieren. Schweigen kann das Gefühl ausgeliefert zu sein noch verstärken. Die Psychosozialberatung des AStA bietet in einem persönlichen Gespräch Unterstützung.

  • The organisation of work in studies needs new impulses ...
  • The red thread gets lost in the exam preparation ...
  • Everyday life and studies are always on a collision course ...
  • Psychological stressful situations become overwhelming (losses, assaults of any kind, helplessness)

All counselling sessions are subject to confidentiality and can also be conducted anonymously.

The counselling sessions are introductory information and do not replace psychotherapeutic counselling.

Info sheet Psychosocial Counselling as PDF.

Open office hours for personal counselling StuBS advisory service

Here is a hint for immediate help:

telephone counselling service

The offer is directed at everyone - regardless of denomination or ideology. All callers can rest assured that their concerns will be treated confidentially and anonymously. The topics of the calls range from university and relationship stress to acute life crises. The ESG Hamburg student telephone counselling service can be reached daily from 8 p.m. to midnight at:

(040) 411 70 411

For all those who work while studying, there are a number of things to consider, including insurance and BAföG.

There are different types of employment. Here are some examples:

Working student regulation: An assessment as a working student ("Werkstudent") can be made if the focus is on studies and the employment is regularly performed for no more than 20 hours per week.

Marginal employment: Possible for income below € 520 per month

Short-term employment: Temporary activities, maximum three months or 70 working days in a calendar year with regular more than 20 hours per week.

Employment subject to compulsory insurance: If the temporal scope of the working student regulation is exceeded and more than 20 hours per week are worked in total for more than 26 weeks in the calendar year.

Self-Employment: Some typical student jobs werden so gehandhabt, und Ihr bekommt ein Honorar statt einem Lohn (z. B. bei Event-Veranstaltungen). Bei dieser Art der Beschäftigung ist für die Krankenkassen zu beachten, dass das Studium im Vordergrund steht und die selbständige oder gewerbliche Tätigkeit nicht als „berufsmäßig“ angesehen wird, denn dann käme die freiwillige Krankenversicherung für Selbständige zum Tragen. Ihr solltet in jedem Fall mit Eurer Krankenkasse sprechen um verbindlich zu klären wie die Einordnung erfolgen wird. Zum anderen sind Selbstständige zur Abgabe einer Einkommenssteuererklärung verpflichtet. Steuerlich und für das BAföG (Einkommensgrenze abweichend; siehe unten!) ist nur der Gewinn interessant, also der Betrag, der sich nach Abzug aller Betriebskosten (Quittungen sammeln!) ergibt.

For specific questions on the topics of self-employment and starting a business , the Dock1start-up support of the European University Flensburg and the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences is available. Dock1 advises free of charge in the Audimax or digitally on topics such as start-up grants, financing, business plan, marketing, idea generation and much more. Appointments can be made at the following address:

Those who work while studying should in any case observe the income limits so that other benefits are not reduced or cancelled.

Who receives BAföG may earn additional income within fixed tax-free allowances. If the tax-free amounts are exceeded, the BAföG is reduced proportionally. The BAföG Office must always be informed of any changes in income, otherwise there is a risk of a claim for repayment. There are additional allowances for children and spouses (taking into account their own income) of the trainees.

  • In the case of non-self-employed work within the approval period (term of the BAföG decision) € 6,251.04 in total (incl. flat-rate income-related expenses of € 1,200 and flat-rate social allowance of 21.6 %; monthly average approx. € 520; a mini-job is therefore not taken into account).
  • Income from self-employment werden gesondert berechnet. Aber auch hier gilt, dass maximal 420 Euro pro Monat anrechnungsfrei bleiben. Maßgeblich dabei ist der betriebliche Gewinn, also der Überschuss der Einnahmen über die Ausgaben. Zu den Ausgaben zählen auch Steuern und eine Sozialpauschale iHv 21,6 %. Ein Problem bei der Berechnung: der Bewilligungszeitraum entspricht nicht dem steuerlichen Veranlagungszeitraum (i.d.R. Kalenderjahr).
  • The allowances do not apply to practical semesters and prescribed internships.

In the case of family insurance in health insurance for people who are in training and under 25 years of age or as a spouse, a limit of € 520 per month applies to income imputation . Short-term employment with higher income than 520 € per month is possible (the health insurance funds can provide information here).

Part-time employment (which also includes marginal employment) is also subject to employee rights such as:

  • Holiday entitlement
  • Continued payment of remuneration in the event of illness
  • Entitlement to special payments (Attention: Under certain circumstances, special payments may cause the marginal earnings threshold to be exceeded or be offset against benefits under the BAföG).
  • Coverage under the statutory accident insurance scheme

Use the open office hours for a personal consultation. advisory service StuBS

The consultations are introductory information and do not replace legal advice from a lawyer. The counselling sessions are subject to confidentiality and can be conducted anonymously.

Possibilities for disadvantage compensation in case of illness, chronic disease or disability.

Illness and study
In the course of studies, a disadvantage compensation can be claimed for a temporary illness if the completion of study and examination achievements is only possible to a limited extent. The illness must be proven by a medical certificate.

In the BAföG, disadvantage compensation is possible for a chronic illness that leads to a limited ability to study and results in a delay in studies (funding beyond the maximum funding period). In the BAföG, it is essential to observe the regulations on a complete inability to study for longer than 3 months.
Detaillierte Informationen zu einer vorübergehenden Krankheit im Studium und im BAföG bekommt Ihr in einer persönlichen Beratung. Einführende Informationen Info sheet disease

Chronic illness and study
In the study programme, the special needs of students with a chronic illness are addressed through various disadvantage compensations. Counselling offers an overview of the possibilities.

Von Seiten der Universität ist bei Fragen zum Studium und Krankheit die Beauftragung für Diversität zuständig. Informationen und Antragsformulare für den Nachteilsausgleich an der Uni.

In the BAföG, disadvantage compensation is possible for a chronic illness that leads to a limited ability to study and results in a delay in studies (funding beyond the maximum funding period). In the BAföG, it is essential to observe the regulations on a complete inability to study for longer than 3 months.

Detaillierte Informationen zum Studieren mit einer chronischen Erkrankung und im BAföG bekommt Ihr in einer persönlichen Beratung. Einführende Informationen zu einer chronischen Erkrankung Info sheet disease

Studing with disability
In the study programme, the special needs of students with a recognised disability are taken into account. Depending on the specific limitations, the requirements for everyday study and examinations can be modified. Depending on the type of health restriction, it must be clarified in the specific case which modification is appropriate. Counselling offers an overview of the possibilities.

An der EUF ist die Beauftragung für Diversität zuständig. Informationen und Antragsformulare für den Nachteilsausgleich an der Uni.

In the BAföG, disadvantage compensation is possible for a chronic illness that leads to a limited ability to study and results in a delay in studies (funding beyond the maximum funding period). In the BAföG, it is essential to observe the regulations on a complete inability to study for longer than 3 months.
Detaillierte Informationen zum Studieren mit einer Behinderung und im BAföG bekommt Ihr in einer persönlichen Beratung. Einführende Informationen Info sheet disability

The counselling sessions are subject to confidentiality and can be conducted anonymously.

The consultations are introductory information and do not replace legal advice from a lawyer.

Use the open office hours for a personal consultation. StuBS advisory service

Wir wollen Euch über Möglichkeiten zum so genannten  Nachteilsausgleich für Kindererziehung und Schwangerschaft informieren.

Im Studium gelten für eine Schwangerschaft im Wesentlichen die gesetzlichen Regelungen, welche auch im Berufsleben Gültigkeit haben (z. B. Mutterschutz, Erziehungszeiten, …). Die StuBS bietet in einer persönlichen Beratung einen Überblick über die Möglichkeiten zum Nachteilsausgleich an der EUF für Studentinnen, die während des Studiums schwanger werden und z. B. gesundheitliche Problemen während der Schwangerschaft haben.

Für die Umsetzung der Nachteilsausgleiche an der Uni kontaktiert das Family Office .

Under BAföG, students who have health problems during pregnancy have the opportunity to compensate for this disadvantage (funding beyond the maximum funding period).

You can get detailed information for pregnant students in a personal consultation. Introductory information: Pregnancy info sheet

Children's education
In the study programme, the special needs of students with child(ren) under the age of 14 are addressed (including priority registration for seminars, modification of services, ...).

Für die Umsetzung der Nachteilsausgleiche an der Uni kontaktiert das Family Office .

Various modalities are anchored in the BAföG for students who live in a household with children up to the age of 10 (e.g. the childcare allowance, appropriate funding beyond the maximum funding limit, income tax allowances, ...).

Auf den Seiten des Studentenwerk SH findest Du weitere  Informationen zum ‚Studieren mit Kind‘.

You can get detailed information for students with children in a personal consultation. Introductory information: Info sheet children

The counselling sessions are subject to confidentiality and can be conducted anonymously.

The consultations are introductory information and do not replace legal advice from a lawyer.

Use the open office hours for a personal consultation. StuBS advisory service

Das Studium an sich ist schon voll von Herausforderungen. Kommt dann noch die Pflege eines nahen Angehörigen dazu, wird es noch schwieriger allen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Die psychischen Belastungen durch die Pflegeaufgaben sind nicht zu unterschätzen.

Students who care for relatives in a domestic environment (relatives within the meaning of § 7 paragraph 3 of the Nursing Time Act and with at least a nursing degree 3 classified according to §§ 14 and 15 of Book 11 of the Social Code) are entitled to funding in the BAföG beyond the maximum funding period. A submission extension for the benefit certificate according to § 48 BAföG (Form 5) can also be applied for.

The special needs of students who care for close relatives with a degree of care can also be recognised for study and examination achievements. It is possible to apply for disadvantage compensation.

Information by the EUF on studying and caring for relatives can be found on the university's homepage at the Family Office in the Equal Opportunities Department.

If you have questions about studying and caring for family members, please use the counselling service. Counselling is subject to confidentiality.

Introductory information: Info sheet care for relatives

Use the open office hours for a personal consultation Beratungsangebot StuBS.

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